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From Transport Empire
Revision as of 10:35, 15 September 2009 by Lonwolf (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the homepage of Transport Empire, a project aimed to create the best transport-related strategy game ever.

This project was suggested and started by members of TT-forums. It's main inspiration is the famous Transport Tycoon, but it will borrow the best gameplay experience from all transport games, both commercial and free. Plus, it will incorporate suggestions of TT-forums members, who are great fans and players of related games and have many great ideas, many of which were never available in any game yet. Here is a short enumeration of main features:

  • Completely in 3D, using the professional OGRE engine: Doesn't guarantee perfect graphics, but suggests it :-)
  • Open-sourced, multiplatform software: Open for modifications, user scripts and contributions of rich custom content.
  • Wide scripting support, especially in economy simulation and AI, allowing great flexibility and scalability of the system.

Apparently, it's a challenging task. It has already proved to be complicated and there is no guarantee of the final success. But we don't give up!

Update sept. 2009: Base code refreshed and packed up in a newer version of TransportEmpire developed in OGRE3D. Reason for this: supporting full 3D construction and terrain modeling - that's right, no more tiles! For links, screenshots, information about the development and what-you-need to do plan if you would like to contribute as a coder / artist check Development and OTT3D section.