Transport Empire:Community Portal

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About us

Transport Empire project was created by a community around TT orums. TT-forums is a place for fans of transportation-related strategy games, such as Transport Tycoon, Simutrans or Locomotion. Some of these people decided to create an ultimate transport game, based on the best experience from all existing games. Unfortunately, this turned up to be a very difficult task and many of the team members gave up. At this moment, there are quite little people actually working on the project. However, those who stayed still form an open community which welcomes any feedback (especially help and contribution, of course :] ).

To find out what people work on this project, check the human resources wikipage.


This is the central place. Anyone can register and post to the forum if he has any questions or ideas.

IRC channel #transportempire It's a place where you can ocassionally run into TE devs. Also, there is a bot which informs about SVN updates.

Joining us


TE is a big project and needs a lot of developlment work. The community is open and new coders are welcome. If you'd like to become a TE dev, first get the TE source code running in your IDE and get familiar with it. Then, find some topic you'd like to work on. There are no up-to date development resources, so if you have any questions, go to the forums or PM Uzurpator (the lead dev).


The project needs a lot of graphics to be created. As there are only a few artists creating stuff directly for use with TE, the project is quite dependent on contribution by external artists. If you have some models TE could use and you agree for them to be used with the game, then please register to the forums and inform us. Formats the game is going to use are not yet decided, however the used technology is capable of loading many various formats. Any contribution will be appreciated.